Thursday, July 26, 2007


You keep asking me about going to school at the Y. I am guessing this may never happen as they have the deposit money, but you aren't enrolled yet. I am going to give this a few more weeks. then I have to move you to a school somewhere. not sure where, but somewhere.

its time for some learning. you are frustrated in your current surroundings. parenting is a difficult job.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

NO Hitting and NO spitting

We are in the process of learning these rules. You are frustrated and angry with life right now... and you are acting it out physically. I am trying to get you into a school, but having to wait on the dagum Y to hire someone. I hope that happens by the end of the year.

In the meantime, the daycare lady, Cathy, says you have been hitting other kids. I spoke with you about it, you say, I don't know. But you do know that hitting and spitting are wrong. NO more power rangers until you learn that.

its my only form of punishment without striking you. i hate discipline. it sucks. but I do love you. very much.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Beach 1

Today at the beach, you were playing like you were a jedi master, using the beach umbrella stand. You wouldn't get in the water today, you normally do. You were throwing trash at others. And you wouldn't wear your hat.

it was obstinant day! we had taco bell for dinner, you like them with just meet and cheese. you ate one and a half, then some beans, and some crispy sweet things. We read Dr. Suess and i put you to bed by 8. You and I both fell asleep.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


I asked you what you wanted for your birthday . You said, "I don't know."

I said, "So do you want to go swimming for your birthday party? Or maybe we should go bowling."

You said, "Bowling sounds good. And I am not going to hurt my foot." and then you did your cute little forced faked laugh.

My only guess is you saw a cartoon that had bowling in it and the guy dropped it on his foot.

And then you said, "A Power Ranger. I want a Power Ranger for my birthday."

I said, "You are already getting one because you were so good at using the potty last week."

You said, "Yea!"

I said "think of something else you might want."

You will be four next month. Learn to use the potty please!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The morning commute

We were riding in the car to daycare, and I was talking to you about what you were going to do that day. You said, "I don't know."

I asked you what you liked doing when you were at daycare, You said, "Going outside."

I said, What do you like to do when you are outside, You said, "Drive the cars."

I said, "Oh, the little cars on the patio?" You said, "Yes mommy. But you can't drive them. You are too big."

I said, "I like driving cars." You said, "You are too big for the cars. I am just right."

I said, "You will be big someday. I used to be little like you." You said, "I don't want to be big. I want to stay little."

I said, "Well, you are already getting bigger. And someday you may be bigger than me."

You said, "Nah, I don't want to be big. I am going to stay little."

I said, "We'll see."