Thursday, June 4, 2009

The End of the School Year

I can NOT believe that the Kindergarten year is over. Today is the Pancake Breakfast at Tuckers. Its all over today at noon. You are growing up so FAST! Here are a few images from your year.

Halloween with Ann

FLASH AHA, He'll save everyone of us! You still wear that costume when you can. Isn't this a great picture?


I put this in so you can see how tall you were in the month of April 2009. That hand belongs to J.

Bob is your daycare provider. He has a big celebration and everyone wore his sunglasses. You got your picture with them on.

I had taken off work to attend this event. The Jesusita fire put a damper on the Triathalon and it was rescheduled. This is you in line for events. Next year I will be more involved. I will mark my calendar and be there for important events.

I look forward to taking pictures of you this summer while you are at sports camp. I feel I haven't been keeping up with this at all. I want to.

Happy Graduation from Kindergarten.