Monday, July 28, 2008

So long between posts.

Well little man, Fourth of July came and went without fanfare this year. You had a sore throat and a fever. And the Gap Fire was burning.

Mostly you are having fun with george and the Y day camp. Waterparks, museums, beach, swimming, and this week the fiesta parade!

You are about ready to take swimming lessons. We have spent a couple of saturdays at the M. YMCA. They have an outdoor pool and you are becoming brave about the water. Jumping in, going deeper.. Its time for some water education and training. We start on Gma's birthday. You are going to be fine.

This week you are in love with the "pollen jocks" from the BEE movie. And Indiana Jones! You want a whip and a hat. I am thinking it will be the theme of your birthday party coming up. You are using your rubber snake as a whip.

Yesterday we had a great day. Walked to Cantwell's, you rode your bike. We got choco milk, coffee for me and croissant. Then we strolled around taking pictures. fun times. we went "hiking" up to wilcox. It was a beautiful day and you wanted to climb. I am really ready for my ankle to be fixed so I can be a bit more stable and do stuff like that with you.

There are some serious discipline issues with you. Time for a regimented schedule to keep things on track and more even. Because I don't like being mad at you. at all.

love you wee guy.