Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pre School Party

Today is the pre-school pot luck dinner/get together.

Hope it goes well. ;-)

edit: this was a fun event for you. You and your preschool friends sat on the picnic table and sang songs. not very well at all, but it was so cute. Then there was food, and cupcakes. You seem to like this daycare.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tubby Horns

tubby horns

man you got mad at me when I was washing your hair, so I decided to put horns on you. Cuz you were being a little devil. Then you wouldn't sit still so I could take your picture. i love that you make lots of faces. like, um lets see... where do you get that... OH i know.. ME!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Girlfriend

I picked you up from school yesterday, and we were walking to the car. By the fence was a little girl that I guess you play with in school. She was all moony eyed and watching you. You walked up to the fence, and i thought you were going to kiss her, but you didn't. She started looking sad, and I said, "What did you do to her?"

You said, "I spit on her." I said, "Why?" You said, "I don't know."

I made you go back and apologize to her twice. Then you got in the car, I said do you like her? and you said yes. And rolled down your window, and waved to her and talked to her as we drove off.

I guess that explains it. When guys want to impress another four year old girl, they spit on them. :eyeroll:

Monday, September 24, 2007

Your First Somersault


Sunday Sept. 24, you did your first somersault. YES!

we are progressing.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Today we are Pirates

You wanted to stay home today and play with your toys. And with me I guess. We have made pancakes, watch episode after episode of cartoons, including Mickey Mouse Playhouse, Sesame Street, and Spongebob.

We then did some wrestling and and tickling. I decided to make mac and cheese for lunch. WE ate some lunch and you kissed me to make me feel better. Then we shared some water... and ate popsicles.

Now you want to be pirates. And you are using your "sellascope". Then you took a rubber band and put the evian bottle on your arm, and called it your power water.

I had to write this stuff down.

i am really bad at discipline.

Friday, September 21, 2007


a rainbow!
I woke up this morning and walked outside. I looked up and saw this! I called to you, saying come outside, quick. A rainbow! You were holding your teddy bear, and bink in your mouth. "cool" you said.

I walked back inside to put down my camera, you said to me "Mommy bring a blanket. Let's snuggle up outside and stay warm and look at the rainbow."

thats just too darn sweet. :-)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Waking Up

You don't like to wake up in the Morning. I am going to have to get Tivo, so that we can tape Sesame Street. I don't think I can afford the extra expense, but its worth a shot.

I am beginning to check out schools, as I want to put you in the right school. By that I mean, I want you to find a place that is conducive to your abilities, and not underneath your intelligence. I am looking into the Roosevelt School, or Open Alternative. I have a tour of The O.A. School on Oct. 3rd.

We will find you a good fit. I think the Alternative may be the way to go. Parents must participate in this school, offering 2 hours of their time a week.

Off we go... Ready to get some knowledge.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Lunch

Today, I had to bring you some clothes to the Y. You have not been doing so good on the potty training. In fact yesterday it was number 2 in the pants. poor baby.

As i was leaving I see everyone outside, sitting down to eat their lunches, including you! You looked so cute sitting there opening up your thomas lunch bag, and pulling out your PB&J sandwich, with applesauce and juice. I have to start being more creative with food for you. You are such a picky eater though.

This week I am going to try egg salad, and chicken salad with crackers. see if you eat either of those.

love you bear.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Weekend

This weekend we went to Janis's house for a going away party for Lexi. She is moving back to Ohio. You got to be outside, and play some ball, ride the broom, and sweep the patio. You were mad at me because I wouldn't play with you more.

Then Bill and Abi showed up, and you were happy to be with the guys. Playing around, and having fun. When we went to dinner, it was nice that you had a chance to be with the men. I am glad that sometimes you get that. On Sunday, we came home and you slept a good long time. Then had a hard time going to sleep Sunday night.

You were not ready to go back to the Y this morning. But were happy when we got there.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pre School!

You are in the pre-school at the Y. I am so excited. You are even more excited. You had a little girlfriend at the end of the second day. You are using the potty, you are talking about naptime. And you want to play basketball. What i really think you want is to be in the kid area of the basketball courts.

The first day I came to get you, you said to me, We went to the slide (ie: the outside play area) and there weren't any lions in there! And then the floor that was grey? Now its pink!

You are quite observant. Makes me worry about what I say and do more now. Happy Austin. You still won't eat anything in the morning.